Kiln Dried Hardwood Logs
Within each bag of logs the logs are all kiln dried down to below 20% moisture content which will give a long slow burn and burn at maximum efficiency. Perfect for immediate burning on all stoves and open fires, providing that wonderful aroma only a log fire provides. They can be used on their own or with our other solid fuel options available. |
Our Kiln Dried firewood logs are selected from the finest hardwood and have been through a kiln drying process which means that they are perfectly dried and ready to burn on your open fire or wood burning stove. Light, clean and easy to handle, they also emit a delightful aroma when burnt. The performance of your stove is directly related to the quality of the wood you use. Our kiln dried wood has a moisture below 20 percent, ensuring it burns hotter for longer and increasing the efficiency of your stove or appliance. The exact number of logs contained depends on the species of the wood and the width of the logs. In terms of heat output, one kiln dried log is roughly equivalent to three unseasoned wood logs, making them far more economical in the long run. |
Kiln Dried Softwood Logs - Ideal for smaller stoves
Our Kiln Dried firewood logs are selected from mixed Softwoods and have been through a kiln drying process which means that they are perfectly dried and ready to burn on your open fire or wood burning stove. Light, clean and easy to handle, they also emit a delightful aroma when burnt. The performance of your stove is directly related to the quality of the wood you use. Our kiln dried wood has a moisture content between 10 and 20 percent, ensuring it burns hotter for longer and increasing the efficiency of your stove or appliance. The exact number of logs contained depends on the species of the wood and the width of the logs. In terms of heat output, one kiln dried log is roughly equivalent to three unseasoned wood logs, making them far more economical in the long run. |
JJ COUPLAND AND SON LTD | Yard at Station Lane, Staveley, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 9NR
Telephone: Office: 01539 821258 Mobile: 07881 912 404
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